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Wednesday, 22 February 2012

New Girls

Sadly we suffered a fox attack the other week. I was woken by the cries of the girls and rushed out in time to save 3 of the 7 hens. We were most upset by the attack, but I do not blame the fox at all. It was doing what comes naturally. I do find it very upsetting that they kill so everything and then leave. at least if they took one and left the others they'd be getting a feed and not killing needlessly.
It was a good excuse to get the long-desired 'pretty chickens', so here they are! A Light Sussex, Blue Maran and a Black Star. 

Springing out of the box
Chicken Child is thrilled with the new additions and their arrival has re-kindled his love of chickens. Although he hasn't noticed the dwindling brown hen numbers.
Exploring the garden
They're 'point of lay' but we will need to wait some weeks before we get any eggs. The old girls had continued to lay in the week following the trauma and the following week after the new girls came, but have not layed for about 5 days now! I do hope they  all pick up and carry on as I used the last of the eggs for pancakes!
Chicken Child loves pancakes!


  1. Hi Hayley. Thanks for following my blog. I look forward to reading about all your adventures in lovely Somerset. Love your chickens and can't wait to see how your cottage garden develops. Have fun this weekend. Jacqui

    1. The Blue Maran and Black Star look like interesting breeds! Yes, your Sussex marking is lighter but they do get new feathers at different stages and it can get stronger when that occurs which is what happened with ours. Thanks for visiting my blog - happy Chickening to you and your little ones (another) Jacqui
