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Friday, 17 August 2012


A couple of weeks ago our neighbour spotted a snake in the field at the bottom of our garden, close to our fence.
When we moved to the country I didn't even consider things like snakes. Whilst we encourage wildlife in the garden, we have 2 small children and snakes are not exactly welcome. So when I lifted the lid of our metal burning bin and saw a small pale snake slither from the top, through the dried weeds and sticks and dissapear to the depths of the bin, I was a tad concerened!
I have had a look on Google images and satisfied myself that it was a smooth snake and not an adder which is what my neighbour believes she saw. Still, we have had the talk about not touching or poking a snake if we see one in the garden. This rather went out the window when we visited a family fun day where the children were encouraged to stroke a python.

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

4 New girls at our house!

Well would you believe it, we had a GIRL!!!! Chicken child had insisted all the way through my pregnancy that he was to have a sister, so I'm pleased he wasn't dissapointed!

Despite being a mummy who does not like to conform to the gender/colour stereotype our house has been filled with pink! I don't know quite how it happened but I can now easily run a pink-only wash. 
 And here she is, my beautiful smiley girl! 10 weeks old tomorrow and sporting a dribble bib made by mummy.

Our other new girls are our hens Mildred, Betty and Ethel they joined the flock on Friday and are settling in well. Mildred is an escape artist and has made frequent appearances around the garden. She is a brown leghorn and we were warned they are skittish, she constantly jumps out through the picket fence. I've fixed some chicken wire to the back, fingers crossed this has worked!