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Sunday, 18 March 2012


Yay! The new girls are laying! 
We're getting on average 3 eggs a day from the 6 hens, but some days there are 4. We can tell which are from the new hens as they are smaller. The suprise has been a frequent supply of double yolkers!
I have read that Blue Marans lay chocolate brown eggs, but as yet we haven't had any. I am once again excited by the hens and regularly go down to check for eggs and to talk to the girls (insert crazy-chicken-lady comment here).

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Activities For a Rainy Day

We've been blessed with glorious sunshine the last 2 days, the kind of weather that makes me spring out of bed with a smile on my face. But this morning I awoke to the wind howling down the chimney and rain battering the window. I reached for my phone and checked the time, then lay in bed feeling my baby wriggling and kicking, willing myself to get up.
I trudged around feeling like a slug, this morning passed ever so slowly we did some painting  and made some playdough, which turned out remarkably well! I have used this recipe once before and failed miserably as I didn't have the strength or the patience to kepp stirring the thick gloop. It ended in a sticky mess which went in the bin.

Play Dough
250g (8 1/2 oz) plain flour
500 ml (17 fl oz) water
140g (5 oz) salt
1  tbsp cream of tartar
1 tbsp sunflower oil
food colouring

Weigh out the flour
Mix with water in a heavy based saucepan
It will look very runny and you won't believe that it will make a dough
Have patience!

This is when the hard work begins!
Once it's cooled, make a ball and squash it flat.
Add food colouring paste (we only had black in)
Knead until you have an even colour
The end result!
Chicken Child loves his new dough